RIA Database® ranked the Top 50 Wealth Managers by Growth in Assets.
RIA Database® has been providing RIA rankings for Forbes and several industry publications, including RIA Channel® (RIAChannel.com) for over ten years. Criteria and requirements for this list include the following:
- All firms are active registered investment advisers (RIAs) with the SEC, and have no regulatory, criminal or administrative violations on file per the SEC as of March 31, 2024.
- All firms provide wealth management services as their primary business. These services may include financial planning, selection of third party investment managers, portfolio construction services, family office services, comprehensive estate planning, asset allocation services or similar functions to high net worth and/or ultra high net worth individuals.
- All qualified wealth managers with a two year growth rate of 30% or greater were ranked based assets as reported to the SEC on their Form ADV Part I filing on March 31, 2024. Assets under management growth rates are determined by RIA Database® (RIADatabase.com).
- Broker/dealers, fund managers and hedge fund managers were excluded.