SEI and American Funds are excited to introduce new models-based investment solutions for independent financial advisors. Watch this brief video now to gain insight on: Recent SEI / American Funds partnership • New goals-based investment strategies: growth, stability and income • Advisor support and wealth management platform
Access your “Growing Your Businesses in a Virtual (and Hybrid) World” toolkit to explore different virtual strategies to help grow your advisory business.
In 2019, we reported that only 9% of advisors met with clients virtually1. COVID-19 has instrumentally changed the way advisors conduct business. In a time when your clients and prospective clients need you the most, how do you meet them halfway?
Advisors who grew their business during the early days of the pandemic have one important quality in common: They’re not afraid to fail. The secret to success might be testing a variety of different strategies to engage with clients and moving forward to the next thing regardless of the result. The key is keeping up a strong volume of activity.
Download the “Growing Your Businesses in a Virtual (and Hybrid) World” toolkit and explore the different virtual strategies to help you grow your advisory business.
1FPA/SEI Online Survey on Innovation, August 2019; n=436 Financial Planners
Information provided by Independent Advisor Solutions by SEI, a strategic business unit of SEI Investments Company (SEI).
For Financial Intermediary Use Only. Not for Public Distribution.