AIR Asset Management aims to empower investors through innovative, niche strategies that generate uncorrelated returns and preserve capital.

AIR Asset Management is an SEC-registered hedge fund management firm with approximately $750 million in AUM in life settlements, annuities, and private credit investments.

About AIR Asset Management

Explore a decade of dedication, innovation, and growth with AIR Asset Management. Our team shares personal insights and celebrates the milestones that have shaped AIR into a leader in life settlement investing.

Life Settlement Investing Explained

Curious what investing in life settlements is all about? AIR Asset Management has got you covered. Check out our new infographic to learn more about how this once obscure and hard-to-access asset class is now a popular way for RIAs and institutional investors to achieve attractive non-correlated returns.

Life Settlement Investing Insights

Life settlement strategies, which fit into the broader universe of alternative investment strategies, hold a mix of life insurance policies that were sold by the original policyholder to a secondary market to generate cash. After the sale, policies can be traded in a tertiary market or held until policy maturity. This asset class has a low correlation to the returns of public stocks, bonds, or other mainstream investment assets.


Private Credit Insights

We employ an opportunistic investment strategy to achieve long-term capital appreciation through debt instruments. We strategically diversify our portfolio across three lending areas: legal financing, longevity-linked lending, and corporate finance.


AIR U.S. Life Fund II QP, LP Fact Sheet

AIR Legal Finance Fund, LP Fact Sheet

AIR Legal Finance Strategy FAQ