Dynamic markets warrant similar solutions: Dynamic Multi-factor indices – FTSE Russell – 10.23.23


Title: Dynamic markets warrant similar solutions: Dynamic Multi-factor indices

Date: Monday, October 23, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 1 hour

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To be discussed during the webcast:

  • FTSE Russell, in partnership with Invesco, offers a rules-based public equity strategy which utilizes factors to position defensively or pro-cyclically based on the identified stage of the business cycle.
  • This strategy is underpinned by Invesco’s regime-based research, used in practice over the last decade, to allocate assets in the short to medium term.
  • Ideal for investors seeking cost-effective alpha, potential for downside risk mitigation, and attractive risk-adjusted returns.


Paisley Nardini, CFA, CAIA Paisley Nardini, CFA, CAIA
Multi-Asset Investment Strategist

Paisley Nardini is a Strategist of Client Solutions for the Invesco Solutions team which develops and manages asset allocation strategies and comprehensive portfolio solutions across institutional and private client channels. In this role, she and her team leverage Invesco’s fundamental, systematic and alternative strategies to deliver precise, tailored outcomes to unique investor needs.

Ms. Nardini joined Invesco in 2018 as a portfolio advisory specialist. Prior to joining the firm, she held the roles of portfolio manager at a registered investment advisor, institutional relationship manager at PIMCO, and fixed income portfolio manager at Wells Capital Management. Ms. Nardini has been in the industry since 2011.

Ms. Nardini earned a BBA degree in financial markets from the University of Minnesota – Duluth. She is a Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) charterholder and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) professional. Ms. Nardini is a director on the board of the CFA Society of Orange County in Southern California as well as an investment committee member for the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County.

Catherine Yoshimoto Catherine Yoshimoto
Director, Product Management
FTSE Russell

Catherine Yoshimoto joined FTSE Russell in 2010 and is responsible for product management of market cap weighted equity indexes, including the FTSE Global Equity Index Series (FTSE GEIS) and Russell US Indexes. Catherine covers additional equity index products such as Style, Stability, Real Estate and Infrastructure index series.

Catherine has 20 years of financial services industry experience. Prior to joining FTSE Russell, Catherine spent six years in product management and development roles at Franklin Templeton Investments, covering equity and fixed income fund products distributed globally.

Catherine earned three university degrees: (1) M.A. Organizational Leadership, Gonzaga University, (2) M.S. Management, Notre Dame de Namur University, and (3) B.A. Political Science, University of California, Berkeley.

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