FS Investments’ Cole and Rhame On The Market Impact Of Political Developments

Jason Cole, Executive Director of Public Policy and Corporate Social Responsibility, and Lara Rhame, Chief U.S. Economist and Managing Director at FS Investments, will discuss how elections, geopolitics, and fiscal policy may affect markets. 

WEBCAST – Politics, Policy, and Markets: Breaking Down the Impact of the Election

Policy uncertainty is creeping in despite a strong economy in the first half of 2024 and soaring market valuations. As the election looms large, understanding the economic and market implications of public policy takes on added importance. Join FS Investments Chief U.S. Economist Lara Rhame and Head of Public Policy Jason Cole for an insightful discussion focusing on domestic and international policy, debt and deficit dynamics, economic implications, and how alternatives can help navigate uncertainty as election rhetoric reaches a fever pitch.

Topics include:

  • Government debt and deficit dynamics—an update on the latest numbers and what policymakers can do in the face of tough choices.
  • Elections: Presidential, Senate and House. Who’s going to win, voter priorities, and swing voter demographics.
  • China/trade–decoupling is now a bipartisan issue.
  • Financial regulation—what’s up for grabs with this next election?

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