Greenbacker On Climate Change & Renewable Energy

Greenbacker On Climate Change & Renewable Energy
Charles Wheeler, Co-CEO of Greenbacker Renewable Energy Company

Founded in 2011, Greenbacker was created with the mission of bringing renewable energy and infrastructure investment opportunities to investors. Today, the firm is positioned as an industry leader in sustainable infrastructure, and invests in a diversified portfolio of income-producing renewable energy power facilities and energy efficiency projects.

As an impact company, Greenbacker is committed to its roots and passion for sustainability. Pursuing projects that promote efficient clean energy, the firm aims to expand the reach and capacity of renewable energy, while spreading awareness of the economic benefits of sustainable infrastructure.

The firm’s recently published white paper, Responsible Investing For Stormy Markets: From Pandemic to Climate Crisis, points to the very likely effects of climate change on the global economy and also highlights the resiliency of the renewable energy sector as a whole, amidst the current market turmoil. Even as oil prices hit rock bottom, solar and wind power are well-positioned to meet ambitious growth goals.

To learn more on this topic, register for Greenback’s webcast: Renewable Energy Infrastructure: A Stable Investment for Stormy Markets.

While the pandemic is changing how investors view their portfolios, renewable energy has drawn media attention as an uncorrelated asset class to weather turbulent markets. But what are some considerations for sustainable infrastructure and what investment objectives does it meet? Join us for an in-depth discussion that will cover:

  • A timeline of renewable energy innovation
  • Our risk-averse approach, or ‘Why boring is good’
  • Performance overview of Greenbacker Renewable Energy Company
  • Historical Performance & Portfolio Construction Considerations