Red Cedar Investment Management On Securitized and Preferred Security Opportunities

John L. Cassady III, CFA, Managing Partner, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Investment Officer, and Brandon F. Bajema, CFA, CPA, Partner, and Co-Chief Investment Officer at Red Cedar Investment Management, discuss the addition of securitized and preferred securities to actively managed fixed-income portfolios.

WEBCAST – The Importance of Active Fixed Income Management in a Post-COVID World

COVID marked the beginning of an economic and geopolitical transition requiring more active risk management. With expectations for volatility remaining elevated, how do you manage fixed income in a world that is changing and no longer a bull market for bonds? We believe you can capitalize on inefficient markets by dynamically investing across diverse asset classes, including securitized and preferred security markets.

Topics to be covered:

  • Managing risk in your fixed income portfolios in a post-COVID world.
  • Bull market for bonds is over; where to find fixed-income opportunities for clients.
  • Preferred and Securitized Securities Opportunity: Potential to enhance yield, total returns, and minimize correlations.

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