RIA Channel Video Blasts

Spotlight Interviews

RIA Channel produces professional video interviews with top financial advisors, industry experts and portfolio managers. These interviews are featured on RIAChannel.com and Forbes.com. Video interviews are complimentary, and articles for each video are written by an RIA Channel or Forbes staff writer.

Portfolio Manager Interviews - Schwab IMPACT 2016

As a complimentary service, RIA Channel will produce a video interview with a portfolio manager or other company senior executive during the 2016 Schwab IMPACT conference.  Each interview will be 3-5 minutes in length and will be posted on the RIA Channel advisor website.  RIA Channel will also write a brief article that will accompany the video, and can be posted or linked to on your website.

Your Video Featured on RIAChannel.com

Video interviews are complimentary, and accompany articles written by RIA Channel. RIA Channel features advisor events, top advisor lists and thought leadership from industry experts.

Your Video Featured on Forbes.com

Through our partnership with Forbes, your video interview and article will also be posted on Forbes.com. This will enable you to further extend your brand and messaging to the Forbes audience of financial professionals and affluent individual investors.

Dedicated Video Blast Distribution

Further extend your video message through RIA Channel’s reach to over 350,000 financial advisor professionals. Our video distribution promotion will help elevate your brand and your thought-leadership position within the financial advisor market.

Your video interview e-Blast will include:

  • Video Email Distribution
    Your video interview will be distributed to 350,000 financial advisor professionals that include: RIAs, wirehouse reps, independent reps, family offices, banks, and institutional advisors.
  • Lead Targeting
    Segment and target your ideal prospects by geography, size, channel and product interest.
  • Lead Tracking / Lead Generation
    RIA Channel provides complete details on all advisor clicks including full contact information, AUM, licenses, CRD, clearing firms, and product usage in a customized, interactive dashboard.

Email Campaign Statistics


Average Reach


Average Open Rate


Average CTR

Cost: Dedicated e-blast of your video, article and any custom links to 350,000 financial advisors: $10,000.

Sample Videos from Previous Events

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